Hydrogen measurements in combustion engines


The most important component in catalytic reduction reactions is Hydrogen formed either during the enriched operation in normally vented engines or during the post-injection phase in common rail engines. At sufficiently high cylinder temperatures, dissociation of fuel molecules into radicals triggers rapid reconnection of protons into H2. This process can yield between 0.6% and 2vol% H2. Catalytic NOx reduction in diesel engines is based on the reaction of hydrogen with NOx. Accurate and time-resolved measurements of hydrogen are needed to develop and improve these types of technologies.


The V&FHSense can measure hydrogen in the exhaust gas of the combustion engine in real-time. At the core of this fast and reliable instrument is a magnetic sector field mass spectrometer that enables hydrogen measurements in concentrations ranging from less than 1ppm up to 100 vol%. A built-in gas cooler eliminates any cross interference that could be caused by H2O in the engine exhaust. Automatic pressure regulation from 0.5 to 3 bar, our user-friendly V&Fsoftware together with the robustness of the system as a whole make the V&FHSense an extremely valuable tool for automotive technicians. As with all other V&Finstruments, a wide range of interface options such as the AK protocol guarantees easy integration into a test bench environment.

Screenshot Software V&F HSense


The V&FHSensemass spectrometer is currently the only instrument on the market that can measure hydrogen in the combustion engine from 0-100% in real time. Unlike other technologies based on the principles of electrochemical and thermal conductivity, the V&FHSense is free of cross-sensitivities from other components present in the engine exhaust. Installation and setup of the V&FHSense are completed within 60 minutes.


  • Sector field technology
  • Real-time H2 measurements
  • AK protocol

Reference clients (excerpt)

Reference AVL
Reference BASF
Reference BOSCH
Reference BMW
Reference Chrysler
Reference Daimlerc
Reference Delphi
Reference FCA
 Reference Ferrari
Reference Ford
Reference MAN
Reference General Motors
Reference Honda
Reference Hyundai
Reference Jaguar
Reference OPEL
Reference Nucellsys
Reference Porsche
Reference Renault
Refernce Rolls-Royce
Reference Volvo
Reference VW

Suitable devices